Dr. Tsilingiri was born and raised in Athens, Greece. She studied Biochemistry and Biotechnology in Thessaly and then completed research training in Spain, Italy and Scotland. Her main expertise is on basic immunology and aspects of the interplay between nutrition and the immune system. She has extensive experience in explant slice cultures.

Currently, she is working on tumor immunotherapy and using the Compresstome vibrating microtome to examine the interaction between tumor tissues and autologous lymph node cells in slice cultures. This work is being carried out in the frame of an EU-funded Consortium, Tumour-LNoC (Tumour-Lymph node on a chip), with the ultimate goal of mimicking the metastatic process on a chip and monitor metastasizing cells in real time.

In this webinar, Dr. Tsilingiri explores how she uses the Compresstome vibrating microtome to make healthy tumor slices in her research of lung cancer.