Professor Koziol-White received her graduate degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology examining mechanisms of eosinophil survival and activation in allergic asthma. Her first postdoctoral fellowship was with Angela Haczku (Hasku) at University of Pennsylvania studying ozone and allergen-induced mechanisms of dendritic cell activation in the lung. Her second postdoc was with Reynold Panettieri Jr. at University of Pennsylvania, where she has been examining airway physiology and modulation of airway smooth muscle function in asthma and other respiratory disorders.

Dr. Koziol-White has published 59 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters, and mentored ~35 students at various stages of their career. Here, her webinar will showcase the versatility of the precision cut lung slice system that she has developed and utilized to study airway function for almost two decades.

In this webinar, Dr. Koziol-White will discuss:

  • How the laboratory generates precision cut lung slices utilizing the VF-300 vibratome
  • How to measure airway lumen changes to assess airway constriction and relaxation
  • How allergen exposure/mast cell activation elicits airway contraction
  • How pathogen, toxicant, and inflammatory mediator exposure change airway tone