Upcoming Webinar | Feb. 18 | Fundamentals of Plant Cryopreservation: Tracking the Permeation of Cryoprotectants into Living Shoot Tip Sections


Tissue Sectioning Solutions for Histopathology

Produce consistently thin sections for histopathology with Precisionary Instruments’ vibratomes, rotary microtomes, cryostats, and tissue embedding centers.

Achieve Thin, Artifact-Free Sections for Histopathology

Histopathology requires thin, uniform tissue sections to ensure optimal staining and accurate microscopic analysis. Whether your samples are embedded in agarose, paraffin wax, or frozen in OCT, it is essential to maintain consistency and avoid artifacts that can compromise results.

Precisionary Instruments’ vibratomes, rotary microtomes, cryostats, and tissue embedding centers are designed to deliver reliable, artifact-free sections for histopathology, enabling smooth processing for staining and high-quality diagnostic outcomes.

Compresstome® VF-510-0Z

Precision Vibrating Microtome for Histopathology

The Compresstome® VF-510-0Z delivers ultra-thin, precise tissue slices, preserving cellular integrity for histopathology applications. Its fully automated system ensures reliable sectioning for diagnostic and research purposes. Experimental applications include:

With a 5-year warranty, the VF-510-0Z provides unmatched reliability for histopathology studies.

Rotary Microtome RF-1000

Automated Microtome for Histopathology

The RF-1000 rotary microtome is designed for producing ultra-thin, consistent sections required for histopathology. This fully automated system ensures reproducibility and high precision. Experimental applications include:

With a 3-year warranty, the RF-1000 ensures precision and consistency for histopathology work.

Cryostat CF-6100

Cryostat for Frozen Sectioning in Histopathology

The CF-6100 cryostat is perfect for producing precise, frozen tissue sections for histopathology. Its automated features ensure reproducibility while preserving tissue integrity. Experimental applications include:

Acting as a laboratory workhorse, the CF-6100 offers reliable frozen sectioning for histopathology applications for years to come for your lab.

TEC-200 Tissue Embedding Center

Efficient Tissue Processing for Histopathology

The TEC-200 Tissue Embedding Center is designed for seamless embedding. It offers automation for precise and consistent results. Ideal for electron microscopy, its ergonomic design ensures operator comfort. Experience stability and precision cutting, and elevate your tissue processing with the TEC-200 from Precisionary Instruments.6

Real Labs Trust Precisionary Vibratomes for Their Histopathology Applications

Using the Compresstome® in Immunotherapy Research

Dr Astero Klampatsa (PhD) is a Team Leader in Cancer Immunotherapy at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK and a Senior Lecturer in King’s College London, UK. She focuses on developing novel CAR T cell therapies for mesothelioma and lung cancer, as well as the immunobiology of these malignancies for identification of markers of response to immunotherapy. In this webinar, Dr. Klampatsa will discuss how the Compresstome® was used to create precision-cut tumor slices (PCTS) as an ex vivo model for immunotherapy research.

Lipophilic dye, in situ Hybridization, Immunohistochemistry, and Histology

Explore how scientists use the Compresstome® vibrating microtome to create tissue slices that combine lipophilic dye tracing, whole mount in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, and histology to extract the maximal possible amount of data.

Slicing up the tumor: Lessons from attempted lung tumor slice cultures

Dr. Tsilingiri is working on tumor immunotherapy and using the Compresstome vibrating microtome to examine the interaction between tumor tissues and autologous lymph node cells in slice cultures. This work is being carried out in the frame of an EU-funded Consortium, Tumour-LNoC (Tumour-Lymph node on a chip), with the ultimate goal of mimicking the metastatic process on a chip and monitor metastasizing cells in real-time.

From two-dimensional to three-dimensional histopathology using a Compresstome®

Dr. Wong shares how he built a custom-made Compresstome® for high-speed histological 3D imaging of whole organs like brains.

Sex-Specific Brain Changes After Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Using Precision Brain Slices

Dr. Christie, a leader in brain plasticity research at the University of British Columbia, uses the Compresstome® vibratome to create precise brain slices for studying the effects of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). In this webinar, Dr. Christie explores how TBI impacts cell proliferation and synaptic plasticity in a sex-specific manner, with a focus on changes in the hippocampus and brain inflammation patterns.

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Bring greater precision and consistency to your histopathology applications. Fill out the form to request a quote from Precisionary Instruments. We’ll respond within one business day.