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Tissue Sectioning Solutions for Lung Studies

Create healthy, viable lung tissue slices for PCLS and disease research using Precisionary Instruments’ industry-leading vibratomes.

lung cancer
lung cancer

Get High-Quality Lung Tissue Slices

Lung tissue plays a vital role in gas exchange, immune response, and overall metabolism. Studying lung function requires high-quality tissue sections that allow researchers to observe cellular and molecular mechanisms, investigate lung development, and track pathological changes in diseases such as asthma, COPD, and lung cancer.

Precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) are essential for lung research, offering thin, flat samples ideal for high-resolution imaging and molecular analysis. PCLS is widely used in pharmacology, toxicology, immunology, and respiratory research to understand disease progression and test new therapies.

Compresstome® VF-510-0Z

Precision Vibrating Microtome for Standard PCLS Applications

The Compresstome® VF-510-0Z

is the most popular model for producing healthy lung tissue slices for typical PCLS research. It provides precise, uniform slices that preserve tissue structure, making it ideal for respiratory and immunological studies. Whether researchers are studying chronic diseases or testing new treatments, the VF-510-0Z delivers consistent, reproducible results.

Experimental applications include:

With a 5-year warranty, the VF-510-0Z guarantees precise and reliable performance for routine PCLS applications.

Compresstome® VF-800-0Z

High-Throughput Vibrating Microtome for PCLS

The VF-800-0Z is designed for high-throughput sectioning of large lung tissue samples, making it ideal for generating multiple PCLS efficiently. This model is perfect for labs that require rapid production of slices to meet the demands of toxicology or pharmacological research. It provides uniform, viable sections from fresh or fixed lung tissue without freezing, ensuring optimal tissue integrity.

Experimental applications include:

With a 5-year warranty, the VF-800-0Z ensures fast, precise, and reliable sectioning for large lung samples.

Real Labs Trust Precisionary Vibratomes for Lung Tissue Slicing

Advancing Lung Development and Regeneration Studies with Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS)

Dr. Dean, a leading researcher at Imperial College London, uses the Compresstome® vibratome to create precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) for studying lung development and repair mechanisms. In this webinar, Dr. Dean discusses how PCLS models enable live imaging and advanced research into alveolar biology, providing critical insights into lung regeneration and potential therapies for lung diseases.

Modeling Lung Diseases with Human Precision-Cut Lung Slices (hPCLS) Using the Compresstome® Vibratome

Dr. Hanan Osman-Ponchet, Founder and CEO of PKDERM, relies on the Compresstome® vibratome to prepare human precision-cut lung slices (hPCLS), which are essential for her groundbreaking work in modeling lung fibrosis and other pulmonary diseases. In this webinar, Dr. Osman-Ponchet discusses how the Compresstome® enables the creation of hPCLS, preserving lung structure and advancing research into disease mechanisms and potential therapies.

Probing Pulmonary Fibrosis Mechanisms with Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) Using the Compresstome® Vibratome

Dr. Claudia Loebel, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, employs the Compresstome® vibratome to create precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) for studying pulmonary fibrosis. In this webinar, Dr. Loebel discusses how PCLS models are crucial for investigating early epithelial cell dysfunction and advancing research into lung injury and fibrosis mechanisms.

Studying Lung Disease with Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) Using the Compresstome® Vibratome

Dr. Koziol-White, a leading researcher in airway physiology, has developed and refined the precision-cut lung slice (PCLS) system using the Compresstome® vibratome for nearly two decades. In this webinar, she showcases how PCLS models are crucial for studying airway function, constriction, and the effects of allergens and inflammatory mediators on respiratory disorders.

Using the Compresstome® in Immunotherapy Research

Dr Astero Klampatsa (PhD) is a Team Leader in Cancer Immunotherapy at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK and a Senior Lecturer in King’s College London, UK. She focuses on developing novel CAR T cell therapies for mesothelioma and lung cancer, as well as the immunobiology of these malignancies for identification of markers of response to immunotherapy. In this webinar, Dr. Klampatsa will discuss how the Compresstome® was used to create precision-cut tumor slices (PCTS) as an ex vivo model for immunotherapy research.

Immunology and Infection: The Compresstome® for Precision-Cut Lung Slices

The Compresstome® has been widely used by researchers worldwide for making precision-cut lung slices (PCLS). The Compresstome® uses agarose embedding prior to slicing to allow for the preservation of open alveoli and better tissue compliance. The video above shows Compresstome® sectioning PCLS for immunostaining to visualize the localization of various immune cell types in the lung. This protocol can be extended to visualize the location and function of many different cell types under a variety of conditions.

Slicing up the tumor: Lessons from attempted lung tumor slice cultures

Dr. Tsilingiri is working on tumor immunotherapy and using the Compresstome vibrating microtome to examine the interaction between tumor tissues and autologous lymph node cells in slice cultures. This work is being carried out in the frame of an EU-funded Consortium, Tumour-LNoC (Tumour-Lymph node on a chip), with the ultimate goal of mimicking the metastatic process on a chip and monitor metastasizing cells in real time.

Precision cut lung slices (PCLS): A novel ex vivo model to study lung disease

Dr. Koziol-White showcased the versatility of the precision cut lung slice system that she has developed and utilized to study airway function for almost two decades.

Spatiotemporal Coordination of Stem Cell Behavior Following Alveolar Injury

Described motility of alveolar stem cells as a new injury response mechanism in the lung and reveal properties of stem cell motility at high cellular resolution Explained early highly dynamic behavior of AT2 cells post injury, including migration within and between alveoli Characterized the emergence of at least three distinct morphokinetic AT2 cell states associated with AT2 stem cell injury response Shown how small molecule-based inhibition of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) pathway significantly reduced motility of AT2 stem cells following injury and reduced expression of Krt8, a known marker of intermediate progenitor cells


Kim JH, Schaible N, Hall JK, Bartolák-Suki E, Deng Y, Herrmann J, Sonnenberg A, Behrsing HP, Lutchen KR, Krishnan R, Suki B. Multiscale stiffness of human emphysematous precision cut lung slices. Sci Adv. 2023 May 19;9(20):eadf2535. Epub 2023 May 19. PMID: 37205750; PMCID: PMC10198632.

Lam M, Lamanna E, Organ L, Donovan C, Bourke JE. Perspectives on precision cut lung slices-powerful tools for investigation of mechanisms and therapeutic targets in lung diseases. Front Pharmacol. 2023 May 16;14:1162889. PMID: 37261291; PMCID: PMC10228656.

Kim SY, Mongey R, Griffiths M, Hind M, Dean CH. An Ex Vivo Acid Injury and Repair (AIR) Model Using Precision-Cut Lung Slices to Understand Lung Injury and Repair. Curr Protoc Mouse Biol. 2020 Dec;10(4):e85. doi: 10.1002/cpmo.85. PMID: 33217226.

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